ND Survey (2018)

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Neurodevelopmental (ASD/ADHD) Survey.
This survey was undertaken in relation to a weakness identified in Joint Commissioning in the Written Statement of Action following the Local Area SEND Inspection in Essex in October 2019. It stated:

“Weaknesses in commissioning and strategic oversight have resulted in unwarranted variation, gaps in provision and unacceptable waiting times before needs are assessed and addressed. In some areas the waiting time for autism assessments can be as long as 18 to 24 months and post-diagnosis support is not effective, which is not compliant with NICE guidelines”

Essex Family Forum conducted this survey in partnership with the ASD ADHD Subgroup and the Joint Commissioning Group, which is made up of key representatives across Education, Health, Social Care and Essex Family Forum.

It’s hoped that by providing the views and experiences of the families, it will help the Joint Commissioning Group to better understand families’ experiences and will inform the provision of future services, meaning improved outcomes of children and young people and their families going forward.

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